In a continued effort to find scalable and efficient ways to support our growing Grantee base, we've begun to rely on our User-to-User Discussion Forum. This forum acts as a way for Grantees and non-profits to discuss the Google Grants program and all of its components, including the application process, the AdWords account creation and account review process, and how to best manage an AdWords account after activation.

This outlet also acts as a resource that help you find the answers to questions you can't find in the Help Center. Examples of questions proposed and answered in the forum include:

"Why am I prompted to enter payment information when building my Grants account?"
"Are non-501(C)(3) organizations eligible for the grants program?"
"How long does the application process take?"

In addition to having your concerns addressed in a timely manner, the Discussion Forum also offers:
  • improved search results, including posts from current and new forums
  • the ability to designate especially helpful forum members as "Top Contributors"
  • a reputation and ranking system
  • the ability for users, Top Contributors and Googlers to mark questions as answered
  • easier access to Help Center content
  • expanded user profiles that highlight your forum activity
If you have a question, suggestion or just want to mix and mingle, we welcome you to "stop by" our forum. Googler "Handy Annie" will check in from time to time to answer questions, listen to feedback and highlight great responses and the people who provided them.