This month's resource round-up for September includes a handy summary of tips for the new AdWords interface, a reminder to vote on the HHS' Flu PSA contest on YouTube, a live radio segment featuring a few grantees and their use of Google Grants to run their non-profits, and a new SEM series highlighting FAQs about Google Grants.

AdWords sums up the new interface
If you haven't gotten up to speed on the new AdWords interface yet, now's your chance to get all your information in one place via the New Interface label on the Inside AdWords blog. Here, the AdWords team shares their favorite posts in the series.

Vote for the best Swine Flu PSA by 9/16
Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) "Flu PSA" Contest on YouTube is underway through 9/16/06, with the 10 finalists competing for a $2500 prize and to have their PSA featured on national television. More information about the background of this project can be found in this clip from Good Morning America.

Grantees on the radio
Save a Smile Foundation, CancerQuest and Owens Foundation for Wildlife Conservation join Atlanta Business Radio to talk about their experiences starting, developing and running non-profit organizations, including some discussion of their experiences with Google Grants.

FAQs for non-profits applying to Google Grants
A San Francisco SEM (search engine marketer) starts a blog post series to answer some of the frequently asked questions they receive about Google Grants.

If you come across resources that would be useful to the greater non-profit community, feel free to post it to the appropriate topic in our discussion group so that everyone can benefit. If you'd like to review previous round-ups, just click here and read through previous months' round-ups or search for "resource round-up" from the search box at the top of the page.