Anaheim Ballet performs on a global stage
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
If you’re a local nonprofit, how do you tell your story outside of your community? When Anaheim Ballet was looking to expand their message and audience, they turned to YouTube. Traditionally, ballet was only available live on stage and at a cost. Anaheim Ballet reduced those typical barriers of entry and made ballet accessible to a global audience by creating YouTube videos that could be seen anytime, anywhere and for free.
Using video allowed them to not only share their stories, but also build an engaged global online community. In their YouTube videos, Anaheim Ballet created a discussion with their viewers by asking questions and seeing responses in real time. Their weekly videos and connection with their viewers has helped this local nonprofit hit more than 46 million video views from all around the world. To hear more of their story, check out the video below.
Using video allowed them to not only share their stories, but also build an engaged global online community. In their YouTube videos, Anaheim Ballet created a discussion with their viewers by asking questions and seeing responses in real time. Their weekly videos and connection with their viewers has helped this local nonprofit hit more than 46 million video views from all around the world. To hear more of their story, check out the video below.
To learn more about how you can use YouTube to tell your story, visit the YouTube Nonprofit Program site or check out our Google+ page. Over the next two weeks, we’ll be sharing tips and ideas on how your nonprofit can get the most out of YouTube.
Posted by Katie Kellogg, Google for Nonprofits team