Over the next few months, we’re focusing on how you can get the most out of Google for Nonprofits. We’ll be inviting a variety of experts to do deep dives into a number of products available through the Google for Nonprofits program.

Today, we kicked off our series with an intro to the Google for Nonprofits program, walking through the Google tools that are available to nonprofits through the program. If you missed it, check out the full video: 

If you’re interested using these products at your nonprofit, your first step is to visit us on the Google for Nonprofits site. Click on the 'Join the program' button. Review the eligibility guidelines and then apply. If you’re organization is accepted, you can then choose what products you want to enroll in.

Once enrolled, check out our learning resources to get the most out of these tools. You can also stay connected through our Google+ community. For the most up-to-date information, add us to your circle on Google+ and continue to follow us here on the blog. We’ll continue to share stories, tips and interviews with more Google product experts.

Posted by Leslie Hernandez Dinneen, Google for Nonprofits team