How mapping technology is helping Chief Almir and the Surui Tribe protect their culture and environment
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
We are always excited to see how nonprofits use Google products to help change the world. One story that we think is especially inspiring is that of Chief Almir and the Surui Tribe.
The Surui people of the Brazilian Amazon had their first contact with outsiders in 1969. While the first encounter brought disease and deforestation, later contact helped bring about cultural preservation and environmental protection.
Their tribal leader, Chief Almir, first came across Google Earth in 2007 in an internet cafe. He recognized its potential for conserving the heritage and traditions of his people that were being threatened by the deforestation of the Brazilian rainforest.
He has embraced the mapping technology as a way to protect the rainforest and preserve his people's way of living. Check out their story below or read more here.
Want to learn more about how other nonprofits are using Google for Nonprofits? Check out this full case study and others on the Google for Nonprofits site. If you’re interested in sharing your story, we’d love to hear it. Share it with us on our Google+ page.
Posted by Raleigh Seamster, Google Earth Outreach team
Posted by Raleigh Seamster, Google Earth Outreach team