(Cross posted from the Lat Long Blog)
Collecting Street View imagery in the Amazon

Once you’ve read through the stories and have an idea of what you might like to create, you can browse through ...
(Cross posted from the Lat Long Blog)

People have created maps since early civilization, but only recently have digital mapping tools like Google Earth and Maps made it easy to build sophisticated and interactive maps that can be disseminated to hundreds of millions of people online. Non-profits have taken advantage of these tools to create maps that matter, and that are truly initiating change around the world. That’s why my team, Google Earth Outreach, exists: to help public benefit organizations use Google’s mapping tools for good.

Find out how non-profits are changing the world with maps.

There’s no better inspiration for creating your own map than the stories of accomplishment from organizations like the ones featured in the video above. We invite you to check out the new Success Stories section of the Google Earth Outreach website. Along with a completely new look and feel, our website now allows you to learn all about a variety of organizations that are using maps for good.

Get started by reading about how the Amazonas Sustainable Foundation partnered with Google to collect Street View imagery for the Amazon. It’s now possible to virtually float down the Rio Negro and its tributaries, see ground-level images of riverside communities, and trek down a trail into the Amazon rainforest, all without leaving the comfort of home. You’ll also learn about Architecture for Humanity, an organization using Google SketchUp to design architectural solutions for communities in need.

Collecting Street View imagery in the Amazon

Once you’ve read through the stories and have an idea of what you might like to create, you can browse through our tutorials or request a software grant for our enterprise-level products like Google Earth Pro. Or, if you’re interested in an overview of all the tools available to you from Google, feel free to check out our Explore Tools page, where you’ll find information about the many Google mapping tools (both free and Pro) that are available to non-profits.

If you’re looking for additional training beyond the tutorials, check out our new Events page, where you can see where Google Earth Outreach will be next and where we’ve been in the past, including rich resources from past workshops.

If you want to change the world, we hope these new tools help. Happy mapping!

Google for Nonprofits is getting ready to attend the 2012 Nonprofit Technology Conference April 3rd through 5th. We are kicking it off April 2nd with a pre-conference of 10 workshop sessions, for participants of all skill levels, on how to best use Google products as a nonprofit. On April 3rd, our keynote address will take a look at how Google and the internet are promoting openness around the world. We will also have a lounge area during the conference so if you are attending please stop by to learn and ask questions. We hope to see you there and check out the ...
Google for Nonprofits is getting ready to attend the 2012 Nonprofit Technology Conference April 3rd through 5th. We are kicking it off April 2nd with a pre-conference of 10 workshop sessions, for participants of all skill levels, on how to best use Google products as a nonprofit. On April 3rd, our keynote address will take a look at how Google and the internet are promoting openness around the world. We will also have a lounge area during the conference so if you are attending please stop by to learn and ask questions. We hope to see you there and check out the Google for Nonprofits Google+ Page for live updates from the conference!

On Tuesday March 20th, the Google for Nonprofits team held a hangout on AdWords Optimization. Thank you to all of the nonprofits that participated! Our three main takeaways from the conversation were 1) Make sure to set a goal for your AdWords campaign before getting started 2) Use conversion tracking to measure how successful your campaign has been at accomplishing your goal 3) If you have limited time, download and use the AdWords Editor for offline editing and use the Opportunities Tab to find recommendations on improving your campaigns. You can replay the Hangout below for more great tips!
On Tuesday March 20th, the Google for Nonprofits team held a hangout on AdWords Optimization. Thank you to all of the nonprofits that participated! Our three main takeaways from the conversation were 1) Make sure to set a goal for your AdWords campaign before getting started 2) Use conversion tracking to measure how successful your campaign has been at accomplishing your goal 3) If you have limited time, download and use the AdWords Editor for offline editing and use the Opportunities Tab to find recommendations on improving your campaigns. You can replay the Hangout below for more great tips!

Don’t forget to check out the Google for Nonprofits Google+ page and add us to your circles! We’ll post community questions, continue to host hangouts so you can hear from experts, share tips and engage users in an ongoing conversation about nonprofits and technology.

(Cross posted from the Official YouTube Blog)

Last Saturday, we joined the American Foundation on Equal Rights to live-stream “8,” a star-studded play that depicts the Proposition 8 trial surrounding same-sex marriage. On World AIDS Day in December, the ONE Campaign and RED live-streamed a day-long symposium on the end of AIDs.

Today, we’re opening up the opportunity to live-stream to all members of the YouTube Nonprofit Program. Nonprofits, from small to large, will now be able to engage live audiences in charity concerts, conferences, and other special events to raise awareness about their causes and drive donations in real-time.

The YouTube Nonprofit Program is currently open to registered organizations in the U.S., U.K., Australia and Canada and offers premium benefits like donate buttons/overlays, custom thumbnail selection and channel branding. To learn more and apply, please click here. For organizations who are already members of the Nonprofit Program, you can enable live-streaming in a few simple steps, outlined here.

Ramya Raghavan and Jason Toff, YouTube Nonprofit Team

CyArk is a non-profit organization dedicated to digitally preserving cultural heritage sites. They do this by collecting, archiving, and providing open access to data created by laser scanning, digital modeling, and other state-of-the-art technologies. CyArk is also one of the many recipients of SketchUp Pro licenses as part of our SketchUp for Nonprofits program. This case study came to us from Justin Barton, a Technical Services Manager at CyArk.
(Cross posted from the Official SketchUp Blog)

CyArk is a non-profit organization dedicated to digitally preserving cultural heritage sites. They do this by collecting, archiving, and providing open access to data created by laser scanning, digital modeling, and other state-of-the-art technologies. CyArk is also one of the many recipients of SketchUp Pro licenses as part of our SketchUp for Nonprofits program. This case study came to us from Justin Barton, a Technical Services Manager at CyArk.

A perspective view of 3D laser scan data (terrestrial LiDAR imagery) of Mission San Francisco de la Espada, San Antonio, Texas.

As part of the ongoing effort to educate the general public and disseminate information in an interactive environment, CyArk uses millimetrically precise data from heritage sites captured with 3D laser scanners to model the sites in SketchUp Pro. In order to do this, we use two methods:

Method 1: Orthorectified imagery

Our 3D laser scan processing software allows us to export orthorectified images of the data. We begin by exporting a plan of the structure to build a basic block model from. The plan is brought into SketchUp Pro, scaled, geo-located (all of our scan data is geo-located with GPS), and then the model is created from the accurate plan data.

Using orthorectified imagery created from laser scan data to trace out the model in SketchUp Pro.

After we create the block model, we import orthorectified elevation views of the structure. We then trace the outline of the building and “push out” the unwanted parts to create the unique architectural shape. The elevation view is also used to overlay the photo-real texture information.

Method 2: Direct modeling from 3D scan data

We are also able to use the Pointools plugin for SketchUp that allows us to load the 3D laser scan data point cloud directly into SketchUp. This allows even more precise modeling directly over the data. Again, orthorectified images of facades are used to overlay texture information.

A 3D laser scan data point cloud, brought into SketchUp Pro using the Pointools plugin. (Note: This image has been altered to improve visualization of the process.)

After modeling is complete, visitors to the CyArk website and projects interact with them in two ways: CyArk has an online, Java-based web app that allows users to view 3D point clouds directly, or view solid models such as those created in SketchUp Pro or other 3D meshing software.

3D model of Mission San Juan Capistrano, San Antonio, Texas created in SketchUp and viewed in CyArk’s free online 3D Viewer.

The other way that users can interact with 3D models on CyArk’s website is by using the Google Earth plugin, which we’ve integrated into a web page on the site. This provides a navigable 3D environment in which users can see geo-located SketchUp models while interacting and viewing geo-located multimedia items such as architectural CAD drawings, videos, 360-degree panoramic images, photographs, historic imagery and more.

A 3D model of Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo, San Antonio, Texas created in SketchUp and viewed in Google Earth on the CyArk website. Multimedia items (architectural drawings, videos, panos, historic images, etc.) are geolocated on the Google Earth interface and represented as a variety of type-specific icons that surround the model.

In addition to modeling directly from accurate 3D survey information (as seen here in the San Antonio Missions project and associated iOS mobile app), CyArk and our partners have taken advantage of SketchUp Pro’s easy modeling platform to create historic reconstructions of sites and site features that no longer exist. For example, for a project with Fort Laramie National Historic Site, eight historic reconstructions were created in SketchUp. Users visiting the Google Earth map of the project can choose to see the Fort as it appeared in seven different time phases, as well as a detailed reconstruction of the Post Hospital. All were created from extensive research, historic photographs/sketches, consultation with park experts, and metrically accurate laser scan data of structures, standing ruins, and remaining foundations as the base for the models.

SketchUp Pro provides CyArk the tools to quickly and accurately model historic sites to create interactive 3D environments for members of the public, educators, students and researchers to access online. This aids us in fulfilling a significant part of our mission to share, disseminate and educate.

Thanks for sharing this story, Justin. If you’re interested in getting involved with CyArk, you can find out more about volunteering, becoming a partner or donating to CyArk on the Get Involved web page.

(Cross posted from the Inside AdWords Blog)

At Google, one of our goals is to help make the web work for your business. Today we're introducing the
Learn with Google webinar program that does just that, by sharing best practices and tips across a variety of products, including search ads, mobile ads, display ads, YouTube and Google Analytics.

We're kicking off the program with eight live webinars in March:
  • March 13 at 10am PDT: 5 Tips to Start Marketing your Business with Video
  • March 14 at 10am PDT: Introduction to the Google Display Network
  • March 15 at 10am PDT: GoMo: Mobilize your Site and Maximize your Advertising
  • March 20 at 10am PDT: Understanding Mobile Ads Across Marketing Objectives
  • March 21 at 10am PDT: Reaching Your Goals with Google Analytics
  • March 22 at 10am PDT: GoMo for Publishers
  • March 27 at 10am PDT: Manage Large AdWords Campaigns with Less Effort
  • March 28 at 10am PDT: 3 Tips to Get More out of your Video Advertising Campaigns
Check out our new webinar page to register for any of the sessions or to access on-demand webinars. We'll be adding new webinars as they're scheduled, so check back regularly for updates. You can also stay up-to-date on the schedule by downloading our Learn with Google Webinar calendar to automatically see upcoming webinars in your Google Calendar.

Whether your goal is to engage the right customers at the right time, make better decisions faster, or get the most from your marketing dollars, we hope that you'll use these tips and how-to's to maximize the impact of digital and grow your business. We're looking forward to having you join us!

Posted by Erica Tsai, Product Marketing Manager