Next week, Google’s Ann Arbor, Michigan office is piloting Community Office Hours for local nonprofits. As a proud member of the Metro Detroit community, Google Ann Arbor is eager to help southeast Michigan nonprofits achieve their goals by providing extra support on Google tools.

Ann Arbor’s Community Office Hours will provide nonprofits with an opportunity to sign up for 20 minute appointments to receive one-on-one help with Google product questions. Google volunteers will be on-hand to answer questions related to Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google Places, Google Apps, and Google+.

The inaugural session will take place on Thursday, September 29 from 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. with recurring sessions every Thursday through the end of October. Office hours are located at the McKinley Towne Center (201 S. Division Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104) in downtown Ann Arbor.

Interested in making an appointment?
Registration is required. To sign up, first select the Google product you have a question about, then register for a 20 minute appointment.

If you have any questions, please send them to

We look forward to seeing you at Community Office Hours!