Today the Google Grants team sent out a brief, but mandatory survey for all grantees worldwide. We would like to encourage all grantees to please take the time to submit a complete survey so that we are able to confirm your continued interest in the Google Grants program as well as gather information that will enable us to provide better support to our grantees.

We wanted to answer a few common questions about this annual survey up front, but feel free to discuss further in our discussion forum:

Is this survey really from Google Grants?
Yes. The survey sent out today is from our team and is not a phishing attempt. Please note that the Google Grants team will never ask you for your account password or credit card information. Just look for the email in your inbox that has the subject line, “Mandatory Google Grants Satisfaction Survey”.

How do I know if my response was received?
Once you have successfully submitted your survey, you will reach a thank you page with a confirmation message from our team. If you did not receive this confirmation message after clicking 'Submit', we ask that you resubmit your survey.

Who will receive this email at my organization?
The email will be sent to the contact email address listed in your Grants AdWords account. If that information has changed and you need to have the survey sent to another person in your organization, please first go into your Grants AdWords account, update the contact email address and then contact our team via the webform in order to have the email sent to your new contact email address. The contact email address in your account must match the email address to which you’d like the survey sent, so please update that information before contacting our team.

Thanks for taking the time to help us improve the Google Grants program.