If you’re looking for help or inspiration to improve your Google Grants AdWords account performance, your grantee peers are regularly offering up their best advice on our testimonial page.

Recently Kids First Fund, an organization focused on helping needy children, shared some background on how their Google Grants AdWords account has helped them secure funds and raise awareness about their mission and how they’ve been able to manage the award within their organization.

"Kids First Fund advertisements appeared on more than 3 million Google search pages during 2009. These messages generated a stunning 35,000+ clicks to visit KidsFirstFund.org. The AdWords program generated exposure for the Kids First Fund among users in the USA, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. Once at the Kids First Fund website, donations may be made via Google’s Checkout service. The Kids First Fund can identify several donations received through online exposure at Google.com. This includes a $1,000 donation from a US-based foundation and individual donations from around the world including France, Malaysia, and Mozambique."

Advice for other grantees: Be certain to assign someone in the organization the task of managing the account. It's a great opportunity for a person with existing online marketing skills to expand their experience or for a newbie to learn about AdWords.

If you’d like to hear more about what other grantees are doing with their Grants AdWords accounts, check out the testimonials page for a growing number of stories. You can also submit your own story on our Share Your Story page and help other grantees by sharing what you’ve learned.