In December, a group of Ann Arbor Googlers teamed up with the University of Michigan School of Social Work to host a “Getting to Know Google Grants” event.

The School of Social Work hosted the event on campus and invited local non-profit organizations who work closely with the U-M SSW Office of Field instruction. The attendees represented a number of Michigan non-profit organizations and focused on a variety of areas including education, the medical field and family services.

The event featured a brief overview of the Google AdWords platform and the Google Grants program specifically, followed by a panel discussion featuring local non-profits who are current Grants advertisers. It was an exciting opportunity for local organizations to share their knowledge about managing non-profits online and using free Google tools to make the most out of limited resources in a tough economy.

All of the panelists offered insight into their own unique experiences with Google Grants and marketing non-profit organizations online. The panelists included Amanda Edmonds, Executive Director at Growing Hope, Jim Leija, Public Relations Manager at University Musical Society, and Marianne Clauw, Treasurer at CASA of Washtenaw County

Here are a few unique perspectives the panelists shared during the event:

  • You don’t have to be tech savvy to run a Google Grants account or to use Google products, but you have to be enthusiastic about putting the time in to learn and play with the products.
  • The online resources for Google tools, both AdWords and otherwise, are plentiful. The online videos for Google AdWords and Google Grants were touted as being especially helpful and easy to use.

  • Your website is a crucial tool for any organization, especially a non-profit organization that may not have a big marketing budget. Interested parties must be able to find your website online and once they find it, they should be compelled to stay there.

  • Google Analytics is a must-use tool for understanding who is visiting your site and what they are doing once they get there. Once you know what is working and what isn’t, you can capitalize on your strengths and improve your weaknesses.

The Ann Arbor Google Grants volunteers would like to thank the U-M School of Social Work for their partnership, and each of the panelists for sharing their knowledge and experience.