Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of leading an introductory session about the Google Grants program with our friends at NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network, and many non-profits interested in the program. During this 90-minute webinar, I covered the basics of the Grants program and Google AdWords, the advertising system through which Google Grants ads are run. I also discussed program details, eligibility guidelines, the application process, common questions, and helpful resources for prospective grantees, as well as answered thoughtful questions from the audience.

If you are interested in these topics but could not attend the session, you can review the webinar materials here. You can also purchase a link to the session's audio recording here.

If you are a current grantee and are interested in educational webinars on the Google Grants program, please review NTEN's website for details about our upcoming Beginner series taking place in January and our Advanced series starting in late February.