When I sat here at this time last year, writing a post like this one to close the books on another year full of changes and advancements, there were only a small number of folks joining me on the blog. Now, as we get ready to say farewell to 2009, I am happy to say that our close knit group has grown significantly, and that more of you are tuning in to get your Grants info in blog form.

We love to see you coming over to catch up on the latest tips, tricks and - new this year - grantee best practices and case studies.

Also new this year was the launch of Testimonials. Fueled by your amazing stories, we're now able to share useful case studies with other non-profits so that they can be as successful with Grants, AdWords and other Google for Non-profit products as you have been. We thank you for letting us share your stories.

As we get ready to make our way into 2010, I'm excited to see what else you'll share with us and the new ways you'll put Google Grants and other Google products to work serving your missions. Be sure to tell us all about it!

And have happy holidays.