Beginner Webinar Wrap-Up: Part 1
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
As you may have read on our blog or on the NTEN website, we are currently hosting a webinar series for Google Grants beginners called "Learning to Use and Maximize Your Google Grant". We kicked this series off on Thursday, May 14th with an introductory session titled "Setting Your Organization Up for Success with Your Google Grant". AnnMarie from the Google Grants team covered the details of a Google Grant, how it is different from a standard paid AdWords account, how to identify goals for your account, how to navigate your campaigns, and more. Common questions and the importance of active account management were also discussed. You can view slides from this session here and purchase the recording here.
Our second session, titled "Learning How to Use Your Google Grant", was held Thursday, May 21, and was led by Mahin, an AdWords specialist and long-time Google Grants volunteer. In this webinar, Mahin discussed account management processes, including how to make basic changes to your ads, keywords, and campaign settings. She also reviewed several AdWords tools that all Google Grants participants should be utilizing to make the most of their accounts. The majority of the session detailed how to effectively evaluate campaign performance, whether through reviewing your account statistics, running reports in the Reports Center, or using a more advanced tool like Google Analytics. If you are interested in these topics, you can view the slides from Mahin's session here and purchase the recording here.
I'd like to share three major takeways from these valuable introductory sessions below:
- Log in! Get familiar with your account and become comfortable navigating it
- Identify your goals! Knowing what your ultimate goals are (increasing donations, recruiting volunteers, etc.) will help you structure and effectively manage your account
- Evaluate your performance! Use AdWords features, including reports, tools, and more to track and assess how well your ads and keywords are performing; also, consider using Google Analytics to get even more valuable data about how users interact with your site
If you have attended these webinars and want to discuss your takeaways with others, please share your thoughts on the Google Grants Help Forum.
If you would like to attend the final session in the Beginners series, titled "Maximizing Your Google Grant to Attain Your Advertising Goals", you can find info and register here. For information about our upcoming four-part Advanced webinar series, please visit NTEN's site for more details.
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