Our resource round-up for March includes a how-to for creating forms and integrating them with Google Checkout, a NTEN conference preview and interview with a Google Grants team member, a SEM's take on changes to the Grants program and a special report on how non-profits are handling economic hardships. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for a video from our own Hal Varian where he talks about how the ad auction system works.
A search marketer from the
blogosphere gives their take on the recent changes to the Google Grants process from an
SEM's perspective.
Set aside a few minutes to read through
a special report compiled by
The Chronicle of Philanthropy that brings together articles, discussions and statistics that speak to the ways non-profits are coping with hard economic times.
Come back tomorrow to get a quick and meaningful explanation of the ad auction system presented by Google's Chief of Economics, Hal Varian .
If you come across resources that would be useful to the greater non-profit community, feel free to post it to the appropriate topic in our
Help Group so that everyone can benefit. If there are some resources you'd like to see featured in these round-ups,
let us know . If you'd like to review previous round-ups, just click
here and read through previous month's round-ups or search for "resource round-up" from the search box at the top of the page.
Posted by Jessica, Google Grants Team
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