In an article on NetSquared, a long-time Google Grants recipient, Mercy Corps, talked about their strategy for making email and online marketing work for their organization.

They point to their well-honed email strategy as the key fundraising channel for their organization and mention some other online tactics that they may be working on in the future to add to their communication with donors.

They use different strategies with their AdWords account to recruit new email subscribers, attract new visitors and develop their brand. They also discuss how they use other tools and products, like Google Checkout and Google Apps, to make managing their marketing strategies easier and more effective.

Mercy Corps also offers some advice on managing turnover in non-profits, working with multiple AdWords accounts and the importance of good ad text and landing pages.

I hope that some of the advice shared in this article can help you take full advantage of your Google Grant. Please share your org's ideas for successful account management in the Optimization Tips and Tricks section of the Google Grants Forum.