The Google Grants team would like to cordially invite you to the opening of our new Google Grants Help Forum

We hope that by now you've found the Google Grants Help Group to be an outlet to ask questions and share tips with other nonprofits. We've been listening to your feedback about features you'd like to see in the Help Group, and we're excited to announce that we're moving from Google Groups to a brand new platform.

As of today, we've moved the the new Forum next door to the Google Grants Help Center.  In this new platform we have some extra things we hope you'll really like: a system of levels to reward your contributions to the Forum, and profiles where you can put a picture next to your name. You can subscribe to the Forum (or to individual discussions) by RSS feed. You can post a question and receive your answer by email. You can even vote on which response best answers the question and mark a best answer to a question you asked. 

We hope you'll come take a look, and we hope you'll stay a while, sign into your Google Account, and ask and answer questions.