As you may have read, we're holding a 5-part webinar series during this month and next with the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN). In this series, we'll discuss Google Grants and how to maximize its effectiveness for your organization. This past Thursday, we held the first session, which focused on setting yourself up for success with AdWords and the details of the Grants program.

We wanted to share some lessons from the first session:
  • Grants can help qualifying organizations achieve their missions through free ads on
  • Grants AdWords accounts must be managed by an active contact at your organization
  • Details on the program and eligibility are all online
  • Learning AdWords is key to ensuring your account is effective – and we have resources to help you!
If you missed the session, you can still view the slides we covered. And a recording of the session is available for purchase on the NTEN website.

Feel free to check out NTEN's site for more information about this ongoing series and to sign up if you're interested in joining us. You can still register for the whole series and access a free recording of the first session.

Next Friday, September 19, we'll hold the second session of the series, which will cover best practices for optimizing keywords in AdWords. Hope you join us then.