Once your Google AdWords ads are up and running, an important part of managing your campaign is reviewing their performance. A quick and easy way to review comprehensive statistics is to run a report, which you can do in the Reports tab in AdWords (next to the Campaign Management tab, which we checked out last month). This tab takes you to the Report Center, where you can create customized reports to help you track the performance of your campaign(s). To start, click on the blue ‘Create A New Report’ link.

The next page has four steps:

  1. Choosing the Report Type
    We recommend first running an Ad Group Performance report, which will give you more data than a Campaign Performance report but less than a Keyword Performance report. If you’re interested in how specific keywords are performing, run a Keyword Performance report. To learn more about the report types, check out this article on different kinds of reports.

  2. Settings
    It’s possible to run reports for specific periods, like yesterday, last month, or a customized date range. To select a customized date range, select the second radio button and choose the date range on the calendars. And if you’re interested in refining the campaigns or ad groups included in the report, you can select them in this section.

  3. Advanced Settings
    This is where you can select that data that’s included. The columns that are automatically included are usually relevant, but you may want to add some. For example, if you’re interested in the conversion rate of your campaign, be sure to add the conversions column and conversion rate column.

  4. Templates, Scheduling, and E-mail
    This is my favorite part of the Reporting Center, because you can set up reports to be e-mailed automatically to you. This is a great way to review your account’s performance and quickly check the clicks your Google Grant is sending to your website. To do so, simply schedule the report and enter your e-mail address in the E-mail field.

Try running a few types of reports with different settings and columns to figure out which ones have the best information for you. Then, to save time and ensure that you’re staying up-to-date with your account, schedule the report and have it e-mailed to you. And if you have any questions, the AdWords Help Center has some great articles for making the most of your reports.