Google Products for Non-Profits feature of YouTube
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Twenty-first century grassroots activism is increasingly cropping up online, and YouTube is a central platform for this engagement. Ever since the site launched in 2005, all kinds of people and organizations have been using it to broadcast their causes and engage supporters around the issues they care about.
To help you achieve your non-profit goals for organizing, fundraising and outreach, YouTube has created a non-profit program especially for U.S. organizations with 501(c)(3) tax status. This program enables you to create dedicated YouTube channels, making it even easier for people to find, watch and engage with your video content. To see some examples of great nonprofit channels on YouTube, check out the American Cancer Society, The ONE Campaign, and YouthNoise.
In addition to creating a special hub on YouTube for these channels, the YouTube Non-profit Program offers you the ability to collect donations directly from your channel using the new Google Checkout for Non-Profits tool.
Google Checkout for Non-Profits, which can also be integrated into your site, can help you drive more donations for your group by enabling supporters to contribute quickly and securely. And, we've committed to processing donations through Checkout for free until 2009. You can learn more with our Google Checkout for Nonprofits tutorial.
If you have any questions about the YouTube Non-profit Program, feel free to contact the team directly at
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