"My Take On Peace" YouTube Contest
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, September 21st is the 10th anniversary of Peace Day, a UN-sanctioned day of global nonviolence and ceasefire. In honor of Peace Day, YouTube has launched the "My Take on Peace" contest with a non-profit called Peace One Day. The contest is designed to get people thinking about how they'll create peace on that day and to share their ideas with the online community through video.
The winning video submission will receive a HD camera, and multiple winners will be showcased during Peace Day concerts this year! Visit the "My Take on Peace" contest page or the YouTube blog post for more information about the contest. If your organization needs help creating videos, whether for Peace Day or any other topic, visit Video Volunteers to get assistance from generous volunteers who can help make great videos for your cause.Read More
The winning video submission will receive a HD camera, and multiple winners will be showcased during Peace Day concerts this year! Visit the "My Take on Peace" contest page or the YouTube blog post for more information about the contest. If your organization needs help creating videos, whether for Peace Day or any other topic, visit Video Volunteers to get assistance from generous volunteers who can help make great videos for your cause.Read More
Monday, September 21st is the 10th anniversary of Peace Day, a UN-sanctioned day of global nonviolence and ceasefire. In honor of Peace Day, YouTube has launched the "My Take on Peace" contest with a non-profit called Peace One Day. The contest is designed to get people thinking about how they'll create peace on that day and to share their ideas with the online community through video.
The winning video submission will receive a HD camera, and multiple winners will be showcased during Peace Day concerts this year! Visit the "My Take on Peace" contest page or the YouTube blog post for more information about the contest. If your organization needs help creating videos, whether for Peace Day or any other topic, visit Video Volunteers to get assistance from generous volunteers who can help make great videos for your cause.
The winning video submission will receive a HD camera, and multiple winners will be showcased during Peace Day concerts this year! Visit the "My Take on Peace" contest page or the YouTube blog post for more information about the contest. If your organization needs help creating videos, whether for Peace Day or any other topic, visit Video Volunteers to get assistance from generous volunteers who can help make great videos for your cause.